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Maine Department of Transportation's Initial Presentation on Deer Isle Causeway Engineering Study 2023

From the Town of Stonington Blog

Aug 2nd, 2023

Posted by: Linda Nelson, Economic & Community Development Director

More than 80 people attended the initial public presentation by the Maine Department of Transportation on an engineering study, initiated just this week, to increase the public safety and all-weather access of the Deer Isle Causeway.

The Causeway, constructed almost 100 years ago, has become increasingly subject to dangerous conditions and safety closures as a result of sea level rise, extreme high tides, increased storm surge and wind velocities, and the accelerated erosion as a result of all of these.

As detailed in the attached PDF of the PowerPoint presentation from MDOT, this study will address a range of improvements and alternatives to raise the level of the Causeway, strengthen it to the elements, and in all ways make it safer for multimodal transportation.

The project timeline, which will include multiple additional public meetings and an open house, has been outlined by Stantec Engineering as follows:

1.STUDY: 8-14 months (through summer 2024)

2.DESIGN: 12 -18+ months

3.CONSTRUCTION: likely 2+ construction seasons depending on alternative selected, traffic control, environmental considerations etc.

For more information:

MDOT Deer Isle Causeway Presentation Aug 1 2023 (PDF)

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