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Economic Development

Check our Blog for economic development updates and more.

Stonington's Economic and Community Development Director is responsible for pursuing grant opportunities, taking the lead and managing various projects going on in town, promoting a diversified and year-round economy, managing the Micro-Loan Program, and Chairing the Stonington Economic Development Committee. Economic development in Stonington is guided by our citizens, our 2018 Comprehensive Plan, and the principles of supporting a healthy economy while maintaining Stonington's essential character. Stonington's Economic and Community Development Director since 2022 is Linda L. Nelson.

Economic and Community Development Director

Linda L. Nelson
Phone: 207-367-2351 
Cell:  207-217-7364

Related Documents:

Deer Isle - Sedgwick Bridge Public Safety & Regional Impact Handout

Economic Resiliency Strategy - 1 page overview

Economic Resiliency Strategy

Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment

Sea Level Rise Adaptation Alternatives

Micro-Loan Application Form

New! Explore a Presentation on Stonington's Economic Resiliency Strategy

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