Town of Stonington Maine [logo]

Select Board

Stonington is run by what's referred to as a "town meeting" form of government.  Stonington's annual town meeting, held in March, is a great example of pure democracy.  A five-member Board of Selectmen is elected by voting residents of Stonington, each for a three year term.  The Select Board signs off on purchases and expenditures, authorizes construction on public infrastructure, and oversees the general affairs of the Town.  The Town Manager responds to the Select Board for the administration of the various departments under their control.

Every March, Stonington voters gather in the Town Hall to vote on each line item in a budget the Select Board has prepared for that year's Town expenses.  In this manner, the voting residents of Stonington ultimately decide where their property tax dollars get allocated.

The Select Board meets the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:00 PM, on the first floor of the Town Hall.  Meeting agendas are posted at the Town Hall, and minutes are available for inspection.

Board of Selectmen

Evelyn Duncan 

Travis Fifield 

Richard Larrabee, Sr., Chair of the Board

John Robbins

Donna Brewer

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