Town of Stonington Maine [logo]

Gallery Stonington Videos and Photos


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Reduce/Reuse/Recycle/Compost - Minimizing Local Impacts

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A Public Conversation Series on Sea Level Rise, Warming & Storming


  • New Category
  • Sunset over the Camden Hills

    Sunset over the Camden Hills

    Photo Credit: Town of Stonington

  • Stonington Harbor, View from Main Street

    Stonington Harbor, View from Main Street

    Photo Credit: Town of Stonington

  • Burntland Pond

    Burntland Pond

    Photo Credit: Town of Stonington

  • Merchant's Row Archipelago, View from Moose Island

    Merchant's Row Archipelago, View from Moose Island

    Photo Credit: Town of Stonington

  • Main Street

    Main Street

    Photo Credit: Town of Stonington

  • Settlement Quarry View

    Settlement Quarry View

    Photo Credit: Town of Stonington

  • Indian Point Road View

    Indian Point Road View

    Photo Credit: Town of Stonington

  • Sand Beach

    Sand Beach

    Photo Credit: Town of Stonington

  • Stonington Harbor, view from Rhode Island Avenue

    Stonington Harbor, view from Rhode Island Avenue

    Photo Credit: Town of Stonington

The copyright of the photographs on this website remain that of the photographers and may not be reproduced without their permission.

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Website by Barnstormer Design